How it works¶
Below is a high-level overview of the system architecture:
The sphinx command-line tool is used to build the project.
Adding the sphinx_indexer extension to sphinx generates an SQLite database within the build folder.
The LSP client (such as the VS Code extension) manages starting the sphinx_lsp language server, and communicates with it over the LSP protocol.
When the client asks the server for particular information about a source document:
the server searches for the closest configuration file (see file discovery), to get information such as the location of the database.
the server queries the database to gather the necessary information and sends it back to the client.
![digraph G {
node [shape=box, style=rounded];
subgraph cluster_sphinx {
sphinx_indexer [label="sphinx_indexer"];
client [label="Client"];
server [label="sphinx_lsp"];
subgraph cluster_project {
label="User project"
config [label="sphinx.toml"];
subgraph cluster_source {
label="source folder"
file [label="doc.rst"];
subgraph cluster_build {
label="build folder"
database [label="index.sqlite"];
sphinx_indexer -> database;
client -> file [style=dashed];
client -> server [dir=both, style=dashed];
server -> config [style=dashed];
server -> database [style=dashed];
System architecture¶