How it works

Below is a high-level overview of the system architecture:

  • The sphinx command-line tool is used to build the project.

    • Adding the sphinx_indexer extension to sphinx generates an SQLite database within the build folder.

  • The LSP client (such as the VS Code extension) manages starting the sphinx_lsp language server, and communicates with it over the LSP protocol.

  • When the client asks the server for particular information about a source document:

    • the server searches for the closest configuration file (see file discovery), to get information such as the location of the database.

    • the server queries the database to gather the necessary information and sends it back to the client.

digraph G {

   node [shape=box, style=rounded];

   subgraph cluster_sphinx {
     sphinx_indexer [label="sphinx_indexer"];

   client [label="Client"];
   server [label="sphinx_lsp"];

   subgraph cluster_project {
     label="User project"
     config [label="sphinx.toml"];
     subgraph cluster_source {
         label="source folder"
         file [label="doc.rst"];
     subgraph cluster_build {
         label="build folder"
         database [label="index.sqlite"];

   sphinx_indexer -> database;
   client -> file [style=dashed];
   client -> server [dir=both, style=dashed];
   server -> config [style=dashed];
   server -> database [style=dashed];


System architecture